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Recent content by dhmiltum

  1. dhmiltum

    Lightroom presets Recommendation

    Hi guys, I'm new to Lightroom so can you suggest some good presets that work well in Lightroom? I really need to speed up my editing. I know presets can do that, they didn’t go that route. Thanks in advance! Finally, I follow this How to Install Presets in Lightroom? - Appuals.com and I...
  2. dhmiltum

    recommendation for best ip camera to capture face?

    Hi, Anyone know of a good camera to capture a face that is like 5-10 feet away? I want to set this up on my front door. so whoever walked into my front door I can see a clear picture of him. Does anyone know any camera that is good? I think I need a camera where I can zoom in to capture the...