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Recent content by SDJ

  1. S

    Connecting Milesight mini bullet alarm in out cable to auto dialler?

    Hello Phil, my camera model is a MS-C5363-PB, 2.8 mm/M. It is a mini bullet camera. Th model of the auto dialler is shown at this website: The UltraDial Mains 3G Covert GSM Wired & Wireless Alarm. It is the ultradial covert GSM alarm with mains adapter. The diagram from the Milesight...
  2. S

    Connecting Milesight mini bullet alarm in out cable to auto dialler?

    Hello, I have seen the diagram Milesight provide in their manual on how to connect alarm in/out. I have a Milesight mini bullet camera with multi connection 'tails', including DC power, ethernet, alarm in/out and audio in/out. The camera will have it's own DC electricity supply, separate...