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  1. Pointy

    Hikvision RTSP Stream URLs

    I thought I would post here in case anyone else is trying to get a snapshot from the Hikvision DS-7604NI-K1 / 4P(B) NVR. The URL is slightly different than posted above. http://<username>:<password>@<address>:<httpport>/ISAPI/Streaming/Channels/<channel>/picture Use 101 for channel 1, 201 for...
  2. Pointy

    Using Google Sketchup to place cameras

    I was looking for a way to get a rough estimate of camera placement and thought I would use Sketchup as I already had a model of my bungalow that I used for some garden and internal remodelling. I simply extended it to include the garage and part of the front drive and then I placed the camera...