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  1. S

    Hik-Connect Alarm Notifications IVMS-4500

    After no changes on my end, push notifications began working again about 10 days ago on my iPhone 8, but not my wife's iPhone 6s. She got a new iPhone 11 a few days back and the push notifications worked from the start and no more issues to date. All phones had the latest OS updates, but is it...
  2. S

    Hik-Connect Alarm Notifications IVMS-4500

    Same exact problem with my HIK DVR 7208HGHI-SH. Worked fine since installing in 2016, but recently I don't regularly get alarm push notifications on my iPhone 8 using the iVMS-4500 app. I can see live views, events are being recorded and I can playback events. Some days it's working then for no...