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smart tools

  1. Dan

    MacOS Milesight Release New Version of Smart Tools for Mac (v2.4.0.1-r2)

    A few weeks ago Milesight released a new version of Smart Tools for Mac users, upon first installing it we noticed a number of minor problems so we didn't initially share its release with you the forum users. After a few weeks back and forth between us and Milesight trying to fix these initial...
  2. Dan

    How-to: How To Add a Milesight NVR to your Network using a PC

    In this thread, we are going to take you through how to add a Milesight NVR to your network using a PC, and it only takes 8 easy steps. (we've specified PC here because doing the same process with a Mac is a little more complicated and will require you to use a third-party software like Security...
  3. Dan

    How-to: How To Add a Milesight Camera to your Network using a PC

    In this thread, we are going to take you through how to add a Milesight camera to your network using a PC, and it only takes 8 easy steps. (we've specified PC here because doing the same process with a Mac is a little more complicated and will require you to use a third-party software like...