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villa door station

  1. alexa9-9

    Door Entry DS-KV6113-WPE1(C) port change

    Hi, i have a mentioned villa staton. It is connected via POE switch to internet. For opening the door and HikConnect it is working very well. But. When i tried to change port HTTP to anything other than 80, it doesn't do it. I tried to change HTTP to 81, Server port to 8001. Server port is...
  2. G

    Door Entry KV8213 with DS-KD-KP (keypad) - I can't achieve PIN unlock?

    Hi, I am trying to configure KV8213 with keypad at Door2 entrance. I managed to connect DS-KD-KP via RS485 - it calls apartment when #1#, or #2# is pressed, but I can't achieve PIN unlock. I tried to do it via Access Control in IVMS4200 - by adding a user with PIN permission, yet it does not...
  3. A

    Door Entry Is it possible to connect a "DS-KV8213-WME1 (B)" (2 Button, Villa Door Station) to Hik-Connect on Multiple Phones?

    Hi, Hoping someone can assist with advising if it is possible to connect a "DS-KV8213-WME1 (B)" (2 Button, Villa Door Station) to Hik-Connect on Multiple Phones? Button 1 (Door Station) is to ring on Phone 1 and Button 2 (Door Station) to ring on Phone 2 (Hik Connect APP). Using the Villa...