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App selection please for Cooau cameras?


For a few years now I have been using two outside cameras with the name Cooau on threm. The app I use is CamHi. Both cams have give me good service over the years and now I would like to add a couple more cameras. The CamHi app is used on my laptop with a program disc provided at my original purchase which lets me have one or many cams showing on the screen, and I now know that the app has been replaced by one called camhl pro. I would like to add any new camera to my existing app or add the existing cameras to the new style app. Yep I have tried to get an explanation from Cooau but I seem to be in a bit of a tangle with language exchange. This is probably my fault not theirs, 'cos since reaching my mid 80 I find I am way behind with my modern technology jargon.....
I would be really grateful if anyone on board can explain whether I can simply add to my system or perhaps tell me where I could get the info from.....
Many thanks.
We'd love to help, but have zero experience with that camera brand nor the Apps, sorry.

I think continuing the dialogue with the camera manufacturer / App provider is going to be your best bet, but you never know somebody with experience of them may drop by and be able to add something to help you ...
Hi Phil.. Thanks for your reply to my app problem, I do appreciate your time.
I will try once more with the app provider then it will more than likely be a case of dumping the whole system and starting afresh.

Thanks once again Phil,
Hi David,
Yep.. my hope is to be able to add a new camera to my existing system to save having to more or less start from scratch. It would just add another view to my laptop program , this is the reason why I thought that getting a similar make of camera would solve my problem but when I contacted the original source they more or less said that their equipment used the new camhi pro app. They did offer to comment and help with the new camera if I told them the model number of my order. I havent actually ordered a camera, I was asking for their advice on using the old app before getting one just so that all camera views are on one screen, but I did mention the model number of the existing cameras.

Thanks for taking the time to reply David....frankly I am out of my depth with modern technology stuff, but I will keep trying.....

when I contacted the original source they more or less said that their equipment used the new camhi pro app.
Hi George,
I'll do some research for you, what model of camera are you after?
Thanks George... I am wanting an outdoor wifi bullet camera which i can just run constantly to keep an eye on my back garden. and will record to an on board card. It needs night vision of course and I would like to have PTZ. I have been looking through some of my earlier searches and it seems that I can get a bog standard one in the region of £60 depending on quality etc.( Probably no ptz) I did see one I was interested in with the name Hiseeu on the side which seemed to fit the bill but it mentioned an app called eseecloud. I am not too worried about the name on the camera, a lot of them seem to be igeek models as my earlier cooau cams were. The main thing is that I can add a new addition to my camhi app.
I will keep searching to see if I can spot something and then I will send you details. I really do appreciate your kind offer to let me know if you spot anything David.

Thanks George... I am wanting an outdoor wifi bullet camera which i can just run constantly to keep an eye on my back garden. and will record to an on board card. It needs night vision of course and I would like to have PTZ. I have been looking through some of my earlier searches and it seems that I can get a bog standard one in the region of £60 depending on quality etc.( Probably no ptz) I did see one I was interested in with the name Hiseeu on the side which seemed to fit the bill but it mentioned an app called eseecloud. I am not too worried about the name on the camera, a lot of them seem to be igeek models as my earlier cooau cams were. The main thing is that I can add a new addition to my camhi app.
I will keep searching to see if I can spot something and then I will send you details. I really do appreciate your kind offer to let me know if you spot anything David.

Hi George,
How will you get power to the camera? Internal batteries, external power supply.
Will the camera connect to your wifi network?
How big is your garden?

Shopping list so far
budget £60, you may need a little bit more for the internal recording SD card
External camera
records to internal SD card
motion detection

Hi David, I have good access to outdoor mains supply, my intention is to use one of my existing camera supply points and use my home WIFI. If there are any real complications I will just get an earlier researched ptz system and use their app. I don't mind having two apps even though it would seem more convenient to have one only.

My existing older cams are a few years old and they are still showing good and clear vision both day and night. They were not very expensive (around £30. ) so I suppose I could ask igeek for a suggestion of suitable types which would be compatible with the program I currently use (CamHi) As an alternative maybe replace the two older ones with igeeks cams that operate with the new CamHi (Pro) system. My main idea being eventually to have all outdoor cams on one laptop. Wonder what your thoughts are on this David?

Just a bit more info David , my wife has loaded the new CamhiPro on to her Ipad and it accepted my old existing cameras without any problems. Naturally there are some features that are not available due to the cameras not having the necessary built in electronics by the manufacturer. The situation now is that I know I could purchase a couple of new cameras, put them on the new required CamhiPro then add my present originals to the new style app. Now it's narrowed things down to choosing suitable new cams according to the spec and price. To reach a satisfactory conclusion will now be to find out how to get the app onto my ancient laptop, but I could always try any new ones on the old app eh?.

Thanks David, that's just the job, reckon you have me sorted out now. I read some selected bits of the info you sent this morning and it seems that there is very little difference between the two apps according to. the designer. I might try loading the new app on to my desktop computer to see how easy it is to install but generally I just need to choose my cameras now.

My next move then will be improve my tall fence post arrangement, buy some extras ie junction box, then choose a suitable moment (weather-wise) to get things sorted. I will pop a quick note on the forum when I am fully fixed up, in the meantime thank you again for your help with my query, I am so grateful for your interest.

Very Best Regards,
Thanks David, that's just the job, reckon you have me sorted out now. I read some selected bits of the info you sent this morning and it seems that there is very little difference between the two apps according to. the designer. I might try loading the new app on to my desktop computer to see how easy it is to install but generally I just need to choose my cameras now.

My next move then will be improve my tall fence post arrangement, buy some extras ie junction box, then choose a suitable moment (weather-wise) to get things sorted. I will pop a quick note on the forum when I am fully fixed up, in the meantime thank you again for your help with my query, I am so grateful for your interest.

Very Best Regards,
Hi George,
Thank you, let us know how you get on.

Hi George,
Thank you, let us know how you get on.

Hi David, Success at last..... To put my final ideas into practice (all cameras on one screen monitor) I ordered an IeGeek outdoor bullet camera which arrived a few days ago. It responds very easily to my CamHi app and is working as I hoped it would with recording and notification functions. Now I have confidence in further similar purchases knowing that I can group everything outdoor together. The camera is operating inside the house at the moment due to the low temperatures outside 'cos it is too darn cold for me to make any alterations in these icy conditions, but as soon as it warms up a bit I will get things sorted.

Many thanks once again for your help and interest David. Best wishes for the coming season,

Hi David, Success at last..... To put my final ideas into practice (all cameras on one screen monitor) I ordered an IeGeek outdoor bullet camera which arrived a few days ago. It responds very easily to my CamHi app and is working as I hoped it would with recording and notification functions. Now I have confidence in further similar purchases knowing that I can group everything outdoor together. The camera is operating inside the house at the moment due to the low temperatures outside 'cos it is too darn cold for me to make any alterations in these icy conditions, but as soon as it warms up a bit I will get things sorted.

Many thanks once again for your help and interest David. Best wishes for the coming season,

And the same to you, maybe the weather will be ok by Tuesday,