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Cameras not working in Google Chrome?


Google chrome applies automatic updates, meaning the majority of its users are on the latest version. Ususally this is great, however, the latest version has crippled a few plug-ins required with CCTV cameras (and other applications i'm sure)

For example; With Hikvision cameras, launching the web app for the camera will display a notification stating that there is no plug-in installed.

So in this thread I will be covering how to fix this error.

The first thing you want to do is copy this: chrome://flags/#enable-npapi and paste it into URL bar in Google chrome. This will display a list of rules inside google chrome. Be careful not to enable anything you don't want to enable (and generally, don't try to fix anything that isn't broken). You want to enable the npapi API


Once this is done, make sure to hit the "relaunch now" Button rather than closing out the window. If you don't do this, the settings won't save.

From this point, relaunch the camera you're trying to view. (or Synology ect) and re-install the plug-in. This should get everything working again for now!

If you have any questions regarding this, or getting the cameras to work feel free to ask below.
This rule seems to be missing in the latest version of Mac Chrome. I'm getting a 404 Not Found when trying to access my camera's IP address.