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Can I add an IP camera to my existing POE switch?


Active Member
I have a 4 camera hik analogue set up with a hvr 4.0. I know these dvrs can have upto 4 ip cameras using a poe switch. I have a poe switch upstairs for Internet to the dvr and two pcs.

I have a spare port in the poe switch...would I be able to use this for a Ip camera?? Basically wanting to know if I can use the spare port even though I'm using the switch for other things like pcs.

If it's a POE switch then yes you can add a POE camera. Check the power provision for the POE switch you have, and ensure it's enough for whichever POE camera you buy. Most POE cameras will be fine with most POE switches - but some cameras have quite heavy duty power requirements - e.g. PTZ's with lots of infra red LED's.

I have several switches where I have cameras connected at the same time as additional routers/bridges/hardwire network connections etc. and all work flawlessly.
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Thanks for the reply. Yeh I did check the power and the poe I have is more than enough. I wasn't sure if it would work if I had other devices connected to the same switch. Diddnt know if it had to be just for the dvr and not any other other device. Thanks