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There is a small grey opaque dome in the ceiling of the office where I work. There is a flashing red light inside. I think this is a camera. (In other areas there are obvious CCTV cameras but these are not in grey opaque glass...) Could it be anything else though?
Hard to tell from your description alone.
Bear in mind that the camera needs to 'see' out of the dome. If it is really opaque, then it's unlikely that there is a camera within.

Strictly speaking, if there is CCTV you should be made aware - there should be CCTV Warning signs at your workplace.
Long-term covert monitoring is not permitted.
Hello thank you for your reply. It's quite opaque but you can see flashing red lights inside. Someone has said it's a motion sensor. Could there be a camera in there as well? I am in a CCTV heavy industry and there are notices but there is no reason for there to be cctv in the office where I work...
Sounds more likely to be a PIR detector for the office alarm system.
There is glint inside the smoke detector. But it isn't red


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