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DS-2CD2355FWD-I or DS-2CD2363G0-I?


New Member
I'm new to the CCTV world and whilst use-ip has helped somewhat in my thirst for knowledge, I just can't find any reviews or guides to show which models I should be looking at for a simple, 2 camera front and back, home CCTV solution. I have a Nest Hello so the front-drive cam is to give a high perspective overview; the back garden cam is to cover a wider view (>90°) and should prioritise low light performance.

Price is a factor although for some reason I'm not even considering the HiLook range (please correct me if I'm being naive). I've drawn the conclusion that I want turrets - a 4mm for the front-drive and a 2.8mm for the back garden to give the coverage I want. I'm bit of a geek so in my excitement, I already jumped in with a purchase of a DS-2CD2355FWD_I 4mm for the front (still not sure why this one :p) and I'm considering either a DS-2CD2355FWD-I or a DS-2CD2363G0-I to pair it up with but am open to suggestions.

I understand that the 2355FWD is older than the 2363G0, but I also think I understand that 2355 has more features (EasyIP 3.0 vs EasyIP 2.0+).

What to do? If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be much appreciative.
Hi @DontFollowMe

We would not recommend the 2355FWD as it is an old End-of-Life model and you are also right that the 2363 Is an EasyIP 2.0+ camera so has lower specs.

We would recommend the replacement for the 2355 which is the DS-2CD2365G1-I 6MP Turret which has all the advantages of the EasyIP 3.0 range that are listed in this forum post:

The 2355FWD predates the G1 models so does not include all the same hardware/software as the current generation EasyIP 3.0 cameras like the 2365G1.