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Ds 7208 not booting? (not showing on screen)


New Member
I have a ds-7208 hikvision
the device turns on the led lights on and fan on but there is nothing on the monitor
I sent it to a service shop it turns out its something to do with resolution i took it home and pluged the cameras the same problem occurred
Any thoughts on how to fix it?
Thanks in advance
Have you tried a different monitor and/or different connection if avaialble?
For example connect it via VGA instead of HDMI.
More information needed. When you say there's nothing on the monitor do you mean nothing at all or gridlines and menus visible but no camera images? Do you get anything at all on the monitor when you first power up the recorder? Even if the resolution was set incorrectly on the recorder, you would still see the Hikvision logo at boot up, as it is displayed at a lower resolution to the monitor output setting. As @Phil says, if you're getting no image at all out of the HDMI output, try the VGA connector.