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Dummy Me! Need Default Password for DS-2CD2042WD-I

Jan J

Trusted Member
I did a dumb thing.... I left the CAPSLOCK key pressed.... Now I'm locked out of my camera!! I connect via Ethernet, no DVR, using Synology NAS...

I assume I have to do a Factory reset (Have not done so yet....) but would then need to know the default login and password...
I know Login is admin.... but with all the documentation I have on this camera, No-where have I documented the default password!!!...

So, first time I have EVER Done that, in 8-9 years of ownership....

Someone teach an old dog a new trick?

Thanks all!! Jan
Still looking for default password, but It eventually let me in.... without a Factory reset!
Hi @Jan J

The model you have is old enough that it may still use the old Hikvision default password - either 12345 or 123456

If this password works, we would recommend changing the password to something original and strong (must include at least 3 of the following - lowercase, uppercase, numbers, special characters) to keep your camera secure.
Yes, had done that (change password) 8-9 years ago. Have what I believe is latest/last firmware, and all cameras are isolated by a firewall, with non-existent Gateway. Access to them via Synology only.

Thanks. Added that to my printed docs.

Shows the resiliency of these old cameras. Like the bunny that keeps going and going! Don’t think I’ve gone into settings in 4 or so years! Only maintenance has been clean off spiders! CapsLock Issue came up while moving camera within Synology’s Surveillance Station.
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