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How important is CCTV security and hacking to you?


Trusted Member
So as we all know there are endless devices that connect to the Internet, from smart lightbulbs to thermostats to Ip Cameras amongst many more.

Some may have constant security firmware patches whilst others we may find it harder to know how secure or what ports these devices are using and what data they send to who.

So my question is, do you have your IP Cameras on seperate networks or VLANS, or maybe you’ve configured your router to block certain ports?

Or do you think as long as you’ve got passwords set On your systems then you don’t worry about it too much?

I currently have my cameras on a seperate subnet and rules that prevent seeing other devices but I just wondered how far people go and if it really is necessary.
Thanks for your input.
i think i would like to have them on a seperate VLAN which would be much more securer, but not sure how you do this?
I’ve found by using an Ubiquiti Edge Router I can use that to create seperate networks on different ports and setup rules so they can’t see each other.
There is a good guide I followed which helps configure it. It’s not straight forward and requires time but is quite effective for distancing Internet devices from your home network.
See here: