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Mini Rant with Hikvision and the 'Acusense' ability


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Just a little bit of a rant here as I am getting quite fed up with the fact that these 4k accusense cameras are marketed as being able to clearly identify a human and vehicle. Then I have either rain, snow or car headlights setting off an alert. It is ridiculous.

Is there anything I can do, or any brand that genuinely does track and only detect humans/cars properly?

I've had a bit of a scan and some people are mentioning I could set up a PC with Blue Iris instead of the HikVision NVR - but then I would lose HikConnect... my 4k cameras are the ones with the flashing lights when it sends me an alert... is it possible to still set this up in Blue Iris? The reason I say about Blue Iris is because they say that have AI build in where it accurately detects humans and vehicles - anyone had much experience with this?

I didn't mind the initial set up, but its driving me a little bit crazy now and just wanted to have a bit of a rant about it and wondered if anyone else is suffering from the same thing.



Edit: Or would it be worth me looking into some Hikvision Heat Pro? My only concern is too many cameras on the house... Ideally these 4k would have them built in!
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Hi all,

Just a little bit of a rant here as I am getting quite fed up with the fact that these 4k accusense cameras are marketed as being able to clearly identify a human and vehicle. Then I have either rain, snow or car headlights setting off an alert. It is ridiculous.

Is there anything I can do, or any brand that genuinely does track and only detect humans/cars properly?

I've had a bit of a scan and some people are mentioning I could set up a PC with Blue Iris instead of the HikVision NVR - but then I would lose HikConnect... my 4k cameras are the ones with the flashing lights when it sends me an alert... is it possible to still set this up in Blue Iris? The reason I say about Blue Iris is because they say that have AI build in where it accurately detects humans and vehicles - anyone had much experience with this?

I didn't mind the initial set up, but its driving me a little bit crazy now and just wanted to have a bit of a rant about it and wondered if anyone else is suffering from the same thing.



Edit: Or would it be worth me looking into some Hikvision Heat Pro? My only concern is too many cameras on the house... Ideally these 4k would have them built in!

I can only think that something is wrong in your setup. I've installed a lot of AcuSense cameras and while I've had a few false alerts from reflected images and animals, I've never had a false alert from rain, snow, headlights etc. Is it an actual alert you're getting or are you doing a VCA search (which will not filter out non AcuSense motion/line crossing). It would be highly unusual for an issue to only affect some if the model and firmware are the same. For reference the current version is 5.7.12_230131 (there is another earlier build of 5.7.12 so double check you're on the latest)

I set mine for Human only. I have motion setup but not sending alerts and I use line crossing to send alerts. If you currently

Blue Iris. Yes you would lose Hik-Connect but Blue Iris can also send alerts and as you say has its own AI. I've not looked closely at BI for some time. My main issue with it was that would not be able to run my cameras at the frame rates and resolution that I currently do. When I last looked, it didn't support H265 so I was going to need a huge amount of storage and the spec of machine I'd need was ridiculous.
I can only think that something is wrong in your setup. I've installed a lot of AcuSense cameras and while I've had a few false alerts from reflected images and animals, I've never had a false alert from rain, snow, headlights etc. Is it an actual alert you're getting or are you doing a VCA search (which will not filter out non AcuSense motion/line crossing). It would be highly unusual for an issue to only affect some if the model and firmware are the same. For reference the current version is 5.7.12_230131 (there is another earlier build of 5.7.12 so double check you're on the latest)

I set mine for Human only. I have motion setup but not sending alerts and I use line crossing to send alerts. If you currently

Blue Iris. Yes you would lose Hik-Connect but Blue Iris can also send alerts and as you say has its own AI. I've not looked closely at BI for some time. My main issue with it was that would not be able to run my cameras at the frame rates and resolution that I currently do. When I last looked, it didn't support H265 so I was going to need a huge amount of storage and the spec of machine I'd need was ridiculous.

Yes an actual alert. I've got two cameras that cover my drive way and have placed zones that are on my drive only. I currently have a 5 second trigger, it used to be just 1 or 2 so that if someone walked into the area (or a car) it'd alert me. I had to increase it to 5 seconds because of car headlights and they usually clear it in about 3 seconds. I've set up min/max boxes too got myself out there and placed the minimum box accordingly and maximum as the entire scene.

I've tried all ranges of sensitivity from 90% (where if i understand correctly means 10% of my target needs to enter the intrusion zone) right down to 30%.

I do also have an intrusion zone set out in the road which is set for 10 seconds - to alert me if a delivery is here/car right outside my house.

I was looking at the HeatPro as maybe the only way for me to get it 100% accurate.

Seems to work fine in the day - its the night where car headlights and rain kick in.

One thing I am not sure about is the line crossing % sensitivity. Does it mean that if something is bigger than my minimum box... if its at 90% then only 10% of that size needs to cross the line... I probably need some more guidance how to set up the min/max box relative to the line itself....? I did used to use just line crossing but headlights wreaked havoc on them alongside rain (adding the intrusion lingering time helped a little with this). Any tips?

I've had to reduce the sensitivity of it so much it doesn't feel like its triggering too well which is a bit frustrating overall for the setup. I've invested quite a bit of money in this system (along with AxPro) and even having issues with my wall sensors (tri tech or something) batteries dying (even though they state they last 5 years with 20 'alerts' per day - which I get no where near that).

I just wanted to set a zone, put 1 or 2 seconds and then let the ''AI'' detect human or car and be notified. I didn't think I was asking for much...?
Yes an actual alert. I've got two cameras that cover my drive way and have placed zones that are on my drive only. I currently have a 5 second trigger, it used to be just 1 or 2 so that if someone walked into the area (or a car) it'd alert me. I had to increase it to 5 seconds because of car headlights and they usually clear it in about 3 seconds. I've set up min/max boxes too got myself out there and placed the minimum box accordingly and maximum as the entire scene.

I've tried all ranges of sensitivity from 90% (where if i understand correctly means 10% of my target needs to enter the intrusion zone) right down to 30%.

I do also have an intrusion zone set out in the road which is set for 10 seconds - to alert me if a delivery is here/car right outside my house.

I was looking at the HeatPro as maybe the only way for me to get it 100% accurate.

Seems to work fine in the day - its the night where car headlights and rain kick in.

One thing I am not sure about is the line crossing % sensitivity. Does it mean that if something is bigger than my minimum box... if its at 90% then only 10% of that size needs to cross the line... I probably need some more guidance how to set up the min/max box relative to the line itself....? I did used to use just line crossing but headlights wreaked havoc on them alongside rain (adding the intrusion lingering time helped a little with this). Any tips?

I've had to reduce the sensitivity of it so much it doesn't feel like its triggering too well which is a bit frustrating overall for the setup. I've invested quite a bit of money in this system (along with AxPro) and even having issues with my wall sensors (tri tech or something) batteries dying (even though they state they last 5 years with 20 'alerts' per day - which I get no where near that).

I just wanted to set a zone, put 1 or 2 seconds and then let the ''AI'' detect human or car and be notified. I didn't think I was asking for much...?
It's possibly because I don't use vehicle, only human that I've not seen this. Out of interest, when you get these false alerts are your own cars parked on the drive in the cameras view? There was an issue in a previous firmware where a parked vehicle caused a constant trigger. I wonder if headlights illuminating your own cars causes them to be seen as new targets somehow. It would be worth using iVMS with rules enabled (if you haven't already). That would allow you to see what the camera is determining as the valid target and the moment of trigger which could provide more information as to the cause.

For line crossing sensitivity is the same. The target object needs to be between the minimum and maximum sizes in order to be valid (for size), then with a sensitivity of (for example) 20, 80 percent of the target would need to cross the line to trigger.
It's possibly because I don't use vehicle, only human that I've not seen this. Out of interest, when you get these false alerts are your own cars parked on the drive in the cameras view? There was an issue in a previous firmware where a parked vehicle caused a constant trigger. I wonder if headlights illuminating your own cars causes them to be seen as new targets somehow. It would be worth using iVMS with rules enabled (if you haven't already). That would allow you to see what the camera is determining as the valid target and the moment of trigger which could provide more information as to the cause.

For line crossing sensitivity is the same. The target object needs to be between the minimum and maximum sizes in order to be valid (for size), then with a sensitivity of (for example) 20, 80 percent of the target would need to cross the line to trigger.

Yes the cars are usually parked on the drive, and it even happens when just one is parked.

Do you know what firmware that was, and what has solved it? I've got the 4K Colour Vu Acusense with Flashing Strobe (not sure of model number).

I have put that on (to see the target) and it does draw a box on the car sides/roof... maybe it's that then?
Yes the cars are usually parked on the drive, and it even happens when just one is parked.

Do you know what firmware that was, and what has solved it? I've got the 4K Colour Vu Acusense with Flashing Strobe (not sure of model number).

I have put that on (to see the target) and it does draw a box on the car sides/roof... maybe it's that then?
I can't remember what version had the issue but I'd make sure that you're on the latest version for your model. If your model is a 4K turret with strobe it will be a DS-2CD2387-LSU/SL and it'll likely be a G5 firmware model. Assuming you have Virtual Host switched on in the NVR; Log in to the cameras web menu either from the link in the NVR cameras page or directly. We need to know the model, firmware version and firmware version property as shown below:

Screenshot 2023-04-07 at 18.37.28.png

Mine above is a G5 with the latest firmware.

With regard to showing the detection. When you have it switched on you'll see a green box appear around moving cars and people, along with a green box for your intrusion target area. When a trigger occurs, both the targets outline and the intrusion box turn from green to red briefly. So if a red box appears around your own car you know that is the trigger. However I'd concentrate on making sure your camera and NVR firmware is up to date before going any further.
I can't remember what version had the issue but I'd make sure that you're on the latest version for your model. If your model is a 4K turret with strobe it will be a DS-2CD2387-LSU/SL and it'll likely be a G5 firmware model. Assuming you have Virtual Host switched on in the NVR; Log in to the cameras web menu either from the link in the NVR cameras page or directly. We need to know the model, firmware version and firmware version property as shown below:

View attachment 9112

Mine above is a G5 with the latest firmware.

With regard to showing the detection. When you have it switched on you'll see a green box appear around moving cars and people, along with a green box for your intrusion target area. When a trigger occurs, both the targets outline and the intrusion box turn from green to red briefly. So if a red box appears around your own car you know that is the trigger. However I'd concentrate on making sure your camera and NVR firmware is up to date before going any further.

Just had a look it is DS-2CD2387G2-LSU/SL and Firmware V5.7.3 build 220112. I did a firmware update maybe within the past few months or so IIRC.

I think you can only view that live correct, theres no way to see from a notification that has been sent whether or not it'll show that 'box' to help me narrow it down?

Are there any log areas where I could see it write like, triggered at 5.22pm 'Plane 1' Intrusion (for example)? to at least help me narrow it down. I can see the boxes on my NVR. Trouble is I can't set it off - I'll need to wait for either rain, headlights or a neighbours floodlight to set it off - all of which I have no control over lol
Just had a look it is DS-2CD2387G2-LSU/SL and Firmware V5.7.3 build 220112. I did a firmware update maybe within the past few months or so IIRC.

I think you can only view that live correct, theres no way to see from a notification that has been sent whether or not it'll show that 'box' to help me narrow it down?

Are there any log areas where I could see it write like, triggered at 5.22pm 'Plane 1' Intrusion (for example)? to at least help me narrow it down. I can see the boxes on my NVR. Trouble is I can't set it off - I'll need to wait for either rain, headlights or a neighbours floodlight to set it off - all of which I have no control over lol
That firmware is quite out of date - the build date is 12th Jan 2022. I would start by loading the latest which is on the bottom of the product page here (assuming you're in the UK, else best to find the relevant page on your regions Hikvision site). It could be that updating the firmware resolves it - there have been five builds between yours and the latest:

Correct you can only see the activations live. The logs unfortunately will only show generic information such as 'Intrusion Detection Started' alongside the channel number, so that won't help. But try the update first as it's pointless looking at an issue that might have already been fixed.