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My Post number three thousand in this forum


Staff member
My post number two thousand is here (February 2019):
Two thousand posts - onwards & upwards!

The number of months it takes me to post a thousand posts and responses continues to get shorter (10 months per 1,000 Posts = 100 Posts per month).

The first and most important thing I would like to say/do this time around is to thank the community.
I am very pleased to say that there is an ever-increasing number of people responding and helping.

Amongst those, I would very much like to call out one individual for a special mention - @StewartM
Stewart himself has now made in excess of 450 Posts!!
Always helpful.
Often highly technical.
Frequently exploring areas we have no expertise in!

Stewart, on behalf of the community here I would like to pass on our gratitude for your ongoing input, and expertise that you give so freely!
Thank You.

The world of IP CCTV, viewed from here, continues to be – all about Hikvision!

I wish I could report more improvements in the wishlist that I wrote in that 2,000th Post in February, but unfortunately not:

Here’s a quick list of a few things I’d like to see Hikvision improve:
  1. Communication - just keep us all better updated and informed; own your problems; tell us when there is a problem / tell us what you are doing about it / tell us when we can expect a fix.
  2. Firmware - sort the portals out, and always include Release Notes.
  3. Browsers - Apple have knobbled Safari for use with web cameras. We are going to need to be able to use more than just Internet Explorer very soon! (it's getting embarrassing :oops:)
  4. Marketing - oddly, in this one respect the Chinese manufacturers have become truly Western - they started talking about products in the middle of last year that are still not available yet! (EasyIP 4.0 / AccuSense / ColorVu).
  5. Keep your product lines rational - help us all to understand EasyIP 2, 2+, 3, 4, 5-line, 7-line. Make the succession clear AND the benefits!

  1. We still have to drag information out of them.
  2. The Hikvision portals could still be better.
  3. Apple Mac issues continue – worse now with Catalina.
  4. They still confuse us with what is coming when.
  5. The amount of range/product crossover remains confusing.

However, having said all of that, IMHO Hikvision remain THE best performing / best value IP CCTV provider.

Additional interesting insight here:
Global imbalance in surveillance market unlikely to change soon
Congratulations and thank you. use-IP is simply the most helpful, most knowledgeable, most honest, most inclusive, most responsive, most current, most coherent and most polite CCTV forum in the world. More power to your elbow.
Thank YOU Phil! The commitment you and your team dedicate to maintaining this forum have made it a tremendous resource. I’ve often wondered how you guys find the time to support it so timeously. Hats off to your dedication and looking forward to post #4000.