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Twenty things that might spoil our relationship:


Staff member
We'd like to help you.
We'd like a long and mutually respectful relationship with you.
We will serve you well.
Our Team always acts honestly, and performs to the best of our abilities.
We are more than fair, we give our time & advice freely.
We will always respond.

We've been doing this for nearly ten years now.
We operate in a niche technical sector.
We've accumulated a lot of experience, and helped thousands of customers.
99% of them are very happy, and come back time & time again.

Unfortunately, occasionally, as with all relationships sometimes things just aren't meant to be - and there are a few warning signs & phrases that we recognise (and dread):
  1. Enquirers who are rude, demanding, overbearing, entitled, take a tone of voice ...
  2. I love your Forum and all the help & information you provide, but product X is cheaper on eBay.
  3. Your YouTube channel is so helpful, and has really helped me to select the right cameras, but I can get them for less at AliBaba.
  4. Thanks for spending 45mins on the phone with me, now that you've told me what I need and how to configure my system I can see that the part codes you've mentioned are cheaper on Amazon.
  5. Can you match this price I've found in the USA?
  6. I didn't buy my system from you, but if you help me get it working I will buy cameras from you in the future.
  7. Can you please supply me with a full selection of all the most expensive 5MP / 4K cameras that nobody else ever selects (keeps) on your Buy & Try offer?
  8. You say you will price match, so I expect the cheapest price in the world for everything.
  9. I've worked in Technical/computers/IT for 20 years and ...
  10. It's not fit for purpose.
  11. I know my rights.
  12. I need immediate expert telephone support.
  13. Where's my quote, I requested it 30mins ago.
  14. Let me tell you what I want to pay for each product.
  15. My friend is in the Trade and he can get these for ...
  16. Send me your price list.
  17. If it says 'Contact us for stock' / '3days / 2weeks to fetch' on the product page, then paying for next working day delivery is not going to make it turn-up tomorrow.
  18. If you can't be bothered to ask a full & proper question, don't expect a very complete & useful answer e.g. "My DVR doesn't work".
  19. It's urgent, I don't know what I need, but I must have it here tomorrow.
  20. There was nobody in this morning, can the delivery driver pop back this afternoon?
  21. Ah, you're a lady, can I speak to somebody Technical?
Most of our customers will never be aware of this Post ~ some enquirers will be directed to it ...
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