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Hik-Connect Unable to register NVR with Hik-Connect?


New Member
Hi All,

I am helping my friend set up a Hikvision NVR and cameras that he bought (used) recently. We performed a factory reset on the NVR, added the cameras and can access the feeds locally. However when we try to register the NVR via Hik-Connect we receive a login prompt for the previous owners credentials. We have tried, unsuccessfully, using the credentials that were provided to us and would like to ask if there is any way to get the NVR's association with the previous owners account removed?

NVR: DS-7604NI-K1/4P
Firmware: V3.4.103, Build 181226
Hikvision PTZ cameras
Hi @devnull
You'll need to use this guide to unbind the NVR from the previous owner's account:

Scanning the QR code on the NVR's platform access page in the app sometimes lets you unbind it too.

Then, you should be able to add it to your own account again by following these steps: