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Hik-Connect Viewing Playback Issue (double speed) with App?



I recently needed to capture some footage from 3 of my IP Camera's. I used the Hik Connect app on my android phone to do this ( selected playback and then used the record button ). When viewing the captured footage in the stored location the first 2 camera's were fine but the third plays back at what looks like twice the speed, I've attempted to capture the footage 4 times and every time it plays back at double speed ( when viewing playback before capturing it is normal speed ). App , camera and NVR Firmware are all latest versions.

I'm aware that i can download footage using the NVR File Management option but obviously something is not quite as it should be, has anyone come across this or does anyone have a solution.

NVR - DS-7608NI-I2/8p(b)
Camera - DS-2CD2387G2-LU

Thanks in advance
Hi @SteMac32 - it sounds like this is probably a bug.

Could you please share the exact firmware version installed on the problem camera and NVR and the version of Hik-Connect installed?
(Often, there are updates available which aren't obvious!)

Is this problematic camera the same model as your other two, and is it connected to your NVR in the same way?