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  1. P

    Web Server Died & RTSP Server Died

    using my MS-C2972-FIPB it often happens that I can web-access the camera anymore, also randomly I lose access through M-Sight Pro app. the log of the cam then later says: Web Server Died & RTSP Server Died why does this happen and how do I avoid this? I am using latest fireware
  2. P

    Where do I find my license info?

    hi, I have a MS-C2972-FIPB and would like to use the Smart Events but under settings the license field is empty... where do I find this key?
  3. P

    direct IP call to a HIKVISION cam

    in the past I used a grandstream phone to do direct IP video calls to a grandstream cam. is it possible to call an HIKVISION IP cam like this in the same home network? (I have a HIKVISION DS-2CD2143G0-IS cam.)