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Web Server Died & RTSP Server Died


New Member
using my MS-C2972-FIPB it often happens that I can web-access the camera anymore, also randomly I lose access through M-Sight Pro app.

the log of the cam then later says: Web Server Died & RTSP Server Died

why does this happen and how do I avoid this?

I am using latest fireware and this happens while using an external power supply but also in case I use PoE
Hi @pokerdude

This is not a problem we are aware of and we haven't seen this problem with the Milesight Dome camera we have here in the office. I will pass this information directly to Milesight Support to see if they have an answer.

Here is CC from Milesight.
Just because we never met this situation like yours before, so I can't sure that what cause it.
Is it possible for you to arrrange Teamviewer?
hi, the Milesight support told me to check the flat cable connectors inside the cam because maybe there is something loose.
I did unplug and then plug-in both connectors and didnt have anymore issues since two days.

I will keep monitoring this.