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All Cameras show Camera 1 locally


New Member
Hi all - I am seriously scratching my head on this.
Mac, Yosemite 10.10.5
DS-7616NI-E2 / 16P - Firmware V3.4.92 build 170228
4off DS-2CD2342WD-I
1 off DS-2CD2T32-I5

When I view in Safari I can view all cameras in live view ok (logged into the NVR), they all record ok
when I log into each individual camera through the virtual host - WHICHEVER camera I try I see camera 1's live view with the correct camera details - I confirmed this by trying it on the T32

I have upgraded the firmware to the latest on all, Hik vision have dialled in, I'm stumped, they are stumped - any ideas

It all used to work ok, i have tried it on windows ok, I don't want to add another browser to my Mac - and all on UDP connection

I experienced a few problems on Macs with older OSX, can you upgrade to the actual Sierra 10.12.6 and try again?

And let us know if it helps?