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Can't get camera names on ios notifications. Any advice?


I'm in a two-step process of changing internet providers (twice). Long story. Step 1 resulted in a mini-meltdown of all that was right in my world. I'm still trying to sort some of it it out. Last night, I had everything reset the way I wanted. But, I had to reset the router back to factory settings and it melted down a few things again.

I've finally back up with my security cameras but the iphone notifications for the hik-connect app continue to say Camera1, camera2 and such instead of the more helpful name of the camera I've assigned. I searched and found some possible solutions here but none have worked for me.

Things I've done include using the OSD settings on the NVR to change the room names. I've re-named the rooms in the HIK (it actually had them saved already). I logged out of the HIK web-site online, logged out of my ios app, even deleted the app and re-added everything. Nothing is working. Everywhere I've looked so far the names appear correct, but the notifications on the phone will not change. Maybe there's a better order I'm supposed to use?

Any advice?

Thanks so much.
Well, wouldn't you know it. I had worked on this problem for about 2.5 hours tonight before caving to post for help. About 5 minutes after posting, I found the solution. Posting it here for others...and to remind myself in the future!

For me, updating all the places I listed didn't work. I have the IVMS-4200 on my mac. I had to go to Device Management, Group Setting, and there I found all my properly named cameras listed under the IP address but nothing under the NVR itself. From there, I highlighted the NVR and used the Import feature, and then imported all the cameras from the IP address (which is also the NVR). I guess one of them is the HIK web-site version. Honestly, it still all confuses me.

I tested immediately after doing this and, huzzah, the notifications only then had the camera name. I'm all good now. Thanks for reading.