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Device error, OpenSDK stringerror 510004


Hi, I have tried searching for this problem with IVMS-4200: Device error, OpenSDK string error 510004 many times a minute. I have searched the web, but I can't find any good solution. I have tried rebooting my NVR. When I use my Hik-connect app on IOS its usually very good, but I have seen a fault message that says out of memory couple of times. If I login to my nvr through web browser there is no problem as well.

Hi @rkg

What model is your NVR and which firmware version is it running?
Which version of iVMS-4200 are you running?
Is this on a Windows or macOS device?
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NVR: HWN-4104MH Firmware: V4.32.110 build 211009
IiVMS-4200 version V3.6.0.6 build20210630 (iVMS says that is latest version)
OS: Windows 10
Annoyingly, the auto-update feature in the software isn't that reliable - do you still get the error in V3.7.0.5?
It's exactly the same fault code and the same interval on the faults.
Where did you download that firmware from? Just as I can't find anything more recent than V4.30.055 so am wondering if this is the problem.
I can't remember updating any firmware. So I guess it came with the box when I bought it a few months ago. Should I downgrade it?
I don't think you need to downgrade it, it's probably more a case of the portal not being updated.

Sorry, I'm not sure what else the issue could be :( I can't find any other mention of that error code, so it may be specific to HiWatch devices.

If you can, I'd ask your supplier to ask Hikvision Support about the error code. Or, take it to them directly, as they'll probably know what it means - support.uk@hikvision.com
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Thank you for the help. I tried to uninstall, reboot and reinstall. It seems like that did it for me. There has been no lost connection after that.
Ah great, glad you've sorted it and thanks for letting us know how!