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DS-7716NXI-I4 / 16P/S keyboard and CGI?


Hi All,

Just recently upgraded from a 7616K series to a DS-7716NXI-I4 / 16P/S

I have a couple of questions. Firstly, this NVR has IO for RS-485. I have an old RS-485 keyboard. Is it possible to get this to work with the NVR?
I have DS-2DE5432IW-AE that is setup in the NVR and the software PTZ controls work fine but I'd like to use the keyboard.
The connectors on the back of the NVR show KB and RS-485. I assume the latter will not work because I don't have an RS-385 line from the PTZ to the NVR.
So, I was hoping to be able to connect the keyboard to the KB (which I assume is RS-485 for the keyboard) and then be able to control the PTZ via the NVR?
Or is the KB for something totally different?

Second. I used CGI on my previous NVR, but there doesn't seem to be the option under Intergration Protocol. Does it now have it on this NVR?

Hi @MarcF

Yes, the RS-485 KB port is for a keyboard and you should be able to control a PTZ if you have a keyboard plugged in (we haven't been hands-on to test it but it should work).

Also, it does not look like this NVR model supports CGI (no mention of it in the NVR datasheet or user manual).
Many thanks for confirming on both.

Very strange about the keyboard then. I'll keep fiddling.
