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Hik-Connect Hikconnect App update problem


Trusted Member
Yesterday Hikconnect app did an update from v14 to v15, everything was working fine before I did the update.

As soon as the update was installed all my cameras on the app went offline and the NVR kept rebooting itself constantly.

I plugged a monitor into the NVR, it would reboot then show a live view of the cameras and remain stable, as soon as I opened the Hikconnect app on my phone it would immediately turn itself off and reboot.

I removed the app from my phone and turned my works phone on which was still running the old v14 Hikconnect and strangely it all worked fine!!

I've now resorted to installing the old v14 Hikconnect on my phone and it's working fine but what has caused this to happen?

Also, since having the system installed I've always had an issue with my phone changing from WiFi to 4/5g which occasionally causes my NVR at home to reboot losing minutes of footage, seems very bizarre!!

Can anyone help? Thanks
I’m getting same problem since yesterday if u find the problem can you let me know plwase
Yeh my phone updated it yesterday and been having problem since. Every time I log on to the app the dvr box goes off and reboots it’s self
Exact same problem as me!!

It must be a problem at their end.

Delete the app from your phone.

Google "Old version of Hikconnect App" click on the first link and download the app from 12th April 2021.

That has worked for me, until Hikvision get it sorted out
Let me know if it works, I'm not sure what the permanent solution is though
I couldn’t find an older version because I have to download from the app store but I’m using a app called HiLook and it’s working fine.
Sorted it Mate your Dvr needs to be updated with latest firmware. I will see how the next 24 hour goes
Just to check / for general info - are you running IOS or Android please?
Just to check / for general info - are you running IOS or Android please?

How do you update the firmware?
Basically go on to hik vision website and type in the model of your dvr then scroll to the bottom and there it will say firmware. Loads of YouTube video online to show how to update it
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Going to try and update the firmware on my NVR tomorrow, thanks for your help!
Does any know if Hikvision will sort the issue with the new update on the app?