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Hikvision mailserver problems?



I have multiple Hikvision IP camera’s and have always used them for multiple detections, alerted by mail.
Until recently I have used my own non-SSL domain / mailserver and it worked fine.
Now I have moved to another hosting provider and the same domain is now with SSL.

No matter which configuration I use, I either get the error Test Failed or Can’t connect with the mailserver.

I contacted the hosting provider and they informed me that they did not see anything in their logs about my trying to connect to their mailservers and because of that the problem should be on the Hikvision side. They say the SSL certificate is also working fine.

I have also just updated to the latest firmware 5.6.6.

With the old non-SSL hosting I used these settings:
SMTP-server: mail.mydomain.com
SMTP-port: 587
Mail encryption: None
Verification: On (with login details)

With the new SSL hosting I have tried a combination with all settings:
SMTP-server: mydomain.com
SMTP-port: 465
Mail encryption: SSL (also tried with TLS)
STARTTLS: Tried both on and off
Verification: On (with login details)

This is the info from the hosting provider for the outgoing SMTP server:
Server: yourdomain.com
SSL-port: 465
TLS-port: 587
Non SSL-port: 25

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?
@zdenek as your ISP can see nothing in their server logs your connection ports may be being blocked or wrong port in use.

your provider could be using non standard port assignments, may be worth checking. see Port Scanner

Server: yourdomain.com
SSL-port: 465 seems to be a gaming port
TLS-port: 587 maybe smtp
Non SSL-port: 25 smtp
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