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Issues with neighbours


New Member
Hi, I'm hoping somebody can help. Iv had my cctv for a several months now with no issues. Tonight ' when nighy vision kicked in'. I noticed what I thought was a huge moth. It the turned Into what looked like a gloating hand, it's was even gesturing, thumbs up middle finger up etc. It was moving all over my driveway. I looked out of my window and noticed the noegh our opposite had a light peeping through the blinds. Does anyone have a clue what tech he was using? I'm not willing to put up with it as he's able to block my camrra
Hi, I'm hoping somebody can help. Iv had my cctv for a several months now with no issues. Tonight ' when nighy vision kicked in'. I noticed what I thought was a huge moth. It the turned Into what looked like a gloating hand, it's was even gesturing, thumbs up middle finger up etc. It was moving all over my driveway. I looked out of my window and noticed the noegh our opposite had a light peeping through the blinds. Does anyone have a clue what tech he was using? I'm not willing to put up with it as he's able to block my camrra
I should add it can only be seen on the actual camera