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Keyboard Compatibility for DS-7716NI-E4?


New Member
I'm new here and posting for a little query I've had for a while....

I have a DS-7716NI-E4/16P type NVR set up for my home system and is currently upgraded to the latest firmware (unless any new releases have come out since May 2024 anyway). The operation of the system is done a couple of rooms away by means of a normal USB mouse on an active USB extension which all works fine.... though mouse control is a little bit 'clunky' if I wash to operate any of my PTZ cameras, so I'm thinking about getting a proper PTZ controller for the system.

I have tried a DS-1005KI USB joystick type controller for the system but it doesn't work, the most I've ever managed to get it to is bring up the main menu but then it won't confirm anything or exit the menu.

The back of the NVR itself has the green pluggable camblock terminals for Alarm In/Out and RS485 etc, plus two terminals marked as "KB D+/D-" which suggests to me a 2-wire dedicated input for a wired keyboard........ so would a DS-1004KI system controller be suitable for operating the system? and if not, what other keyboard/joystick controllers would be compatible?

(I did try searching for a compatibility list but didn't find anything suitable)

Thanks in advance
I'm new here and posting for a little query I've had for a while....

I have a DS-7716NI-E4/16P type NVR set up for my home system and is currently upgraded to the latest firmware (unless any new releases have come out since May 2024

I havent seen a firmware newer than 2017 for this model.

USB Keyboard on your NVR require you to open PTZ control with mouse first then control with keyboard.

The newer keyboard for rs485 1006ki

Here is video guidance
