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No email notifications? [“Failed to send test email authentication failed”]


New Member
Can anyone help me with my email notifications please?

Notifications stopped coming through on the 17th, since then I can no longer get email notifications.

When trying to test I get the following “Failed to send test email authentication failed”.

I have checked the email provider and no issues there, honestly spent 6 hours on this now!
I’m using hotmail.

I have rebooted the system, router etc.
You now need to use what they call an "App Password" in your HikVision device/s and NOT your account password. I think Hotmail is now Outlook/Microsoft? In which case see here:
Hello, I need some help please. I’m having a nightmare with Hotmail and CCTV. I use iPhone 14 and an iPad, with the changes to Hotmail the iPad and iPhone wouldn’t match and I’ve had to change passwords numerous times.
Anyway I updated the Hik Vision password so the alerts would still come through, did the test e-mail and all was good yesterday.
The last e-mail notification I got was 2am this morning, the test email now fails and I have no idea what to do - I’m not at all technical and it gets very frustrating as I don’t know what to do.
I have rebooted the CCTV unit.

The smtp server is set at smtp.office365.com
SMTP Port is 587
My e-mail address is ********* @hotmail.co.uk

Can anyone help me
i didnt want to start a new thread but having the same problem with outlook email account - i have set up an app specific password but still does not work

any ideas?
I’m glad you have tried the app password, I was going to attempt that but you have saved me the stress. The Hotmail issue is a nightmare.
Have you followed the instructions here which including enabling POP/IMAP access for the account? It also shows a different smtp address there too.
Have you followed the instructions here which including enabling POP/IMAP access for the account? It also shows a different smtp address there too.
thanks for the suggestion

my IMAP and POP were already turned on and trying the other SMTP address still comes up as failed..its deffo an outlook problem as i am using my ISP settings which work ok (but want them separate)

I tried too and it’s another fail, but thanks for the reply. I did look at the Log Server Settings Enable box is not ticked
Upload Time Interval has 1 in the box
Server IP Address is empty
Port box has 514

I clicked on test and that said fail, I have no idea if this set up is correct I have never looked at that before.
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