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Privacy mask keeps turning itself off?



I got a DS-2CD2346G2-IU off eBay, running V5.5.820 (I upgraded it)

It keeps turning the privacy mask off, after 1-5 mins setting it. A little bit suspicious, but you know, bugs happen.. :D

Is this a known fault, or is it more likely that I have a broken/dodgy/hacked camera?

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Hi @brisky1 - as you say, it's most likely a bug!

Is the camera connected to an NVR, or are you accessing it directly to draw the privacy mask?
If accessing it directly, which browser are you trying?
Also, is it a G3 or G5 platform model / (C) or non-(C)?
You could try in iVMS-4200 - iVMS-4200 V3.11.1.6 & 4200 AC V1.11.0.5
Hey thanks for the reply

No NVR. It's G3 I believe

I'm setting it in Edge and Firefox. I've tried single masks, small, large. All disappear in minutes. I also set it then logged out in case it was the browser session resetting it. No dice

I've got ivms installed on my windows pc. Are you saying it's got a function to set the mask and to try that way?

Sorry, yes, if you go to Device Management in iVMS-4200 you'll have a settings cog at the end of the row the camera is showing on - click this and then Basic Settings, which should take you to the same config menu you get in a web browser, and try drawing it here.
I think I've seen this issue in certain browsers with G3 firmware, but iVMS is normally best if you're having browser issues.
BTW - make sure the version of iVMS you're using is V3.11.1.6 too.

It's also worth hard resetting the camera (System > Maintenance > Upgrade & Maintenance > Default), as this often helps sort out any issues that might appear after firmware updates.
It's important that you confirm this.
Then we can be sure that you are using appropriate firmware.

Does this give you all the info you need? Thanks
Sorry, yes, if you go to Device Management in iVMS-4200 you'll have a settings cog at the end of the row the camera is showing on - click this and then Basic Settings, which should take you to the same config menu you get in a web browser, and try drawing it here.
I think I've seen this issue in certain browsers with G3 firmware, but iVMS is normally best if you're having browser issues.
BTW - make sure the version of iVMS you're using is V3.11.1.6 too.

It's also worth hard resetting the camera (System > Maintenance > Upgrade & Maintenance > Default), as this often helps sort out any issues that might appear after firmware updates.
Thanks! I've used iVMS to clear the masks and created a new one. It's been 10 minutes and it's still there. Fingers crossed :D
No worries! Keep us posted :)
And all good regarding your screenshot in post #6 - you're using the right firmware.
I think it's time to return the device. I also did a 'Default' reset.

But the device reboots itself occasionally, the 3rd stream fails over RTSP with HTTP 500, and the privacy mask keeps resetting. (I'm using an identical POE injector that's been powering my other Hikvision flawlessly for 4 years)

It probably wasn't the right kind of camera anyway. I'll make a new post as you guys might be able to help me find a more suitable camera for my needs.

Thanks a lot for the troubleshooting assistance! I learnt some things, so not all wasted.
Yep, that doesn't sound quite right, that's probably the best thing to do.
The only thing I can suggest is trying an earlier firmware, but I've not seen these issues reported on V5.5.820 before...