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Hik-Connect Problem seeing my Hikvision cameras on phones when I leave my home?


New Member
Hi I have hik connect on my mobile but soon as I leave the house I loose all network on my cameras it only works when I’m at home
Also I don’t seem to have notifications on my mobile or air pad either any advice please
Hi @Bamba

Check that you have the Gateway and DNS settings correctly set on your cameras or NVR (System > Network > TCP/IP).

The Gateway is usually the IP address of your router:
How-to: - How do I find my router and PC's IP address using a Windows PC?

Then, follow the links in this post for unbinding and re-adding the NVR / cameras to Hik-Connect via their serial numbers - the last guide covers enabling the push notifications as well:
How did you add the Camera/NVR to the Hik Connect App?
Try using the QR Code or Serial number option...it does not work with IP(local)
For complete feature access you must add the device to Hik-Connect cloud platform service