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Problems completing firmware upgrade of my DS-2DE3304W-DE?


Good morning. Sorry, I don't speak English well, I'm using a translator.

I have 3 cameras DS-2DE3304W-DEI and wanted to update the firmware as in the documentation, it is specified to install version version 5.6.11.
So I installed the IPD_R7_EN_STD_5.6.11_190426 then theIPD_R7_EN_STD_5.6.14_190826.
Everything went well on the 1st camera.
I try to do the same on the second one, but the update fails.
I can no longer connect to the web interface, I tried with Firefox and Chrome.

How to find the configuration interface?
PS: the camera is visible and functional with Synology surveillance station.

Thanks for your help
Hi @jacques

Were both the 1st & 2nd cameras on the same firmware version before you tried to update them?
What firmware version was the 2nd camera running before you tried to update it?
Thank you for your prompt responseusually I update all 3 cameras at the same time
mise a jour OK.JPG
3 eme camera .JPG

but I still have doubts about the 2nd camera as it didn't work

Were all 3 cameras on V5.6.0 firmware before you tried to update the firmware?
Normally yes, but I have a doubt about the 2nd camera which failed, I can no longer access the web interfaceI also tried to update with IVMS-4200 the interface does not help me. However, I see the image clearly.
Thanks @jacques

If you can access the camera with iVMS-4200, have you tried downgrading the firmware to v5.6.11?
No, I can't, as soon as I go to the forward configuration the image freezes. This is not the case for other cameras.
I can't close or move the window
image figé.JPG

I think you are going to have to try hard resetting the camera.

The below image shows where you should find the hard reset button (marked with the number 2) under the camera's dome cover:
Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 14.07.02.png

Once you have access to this button, follow these instructions to reset the camera:

1) Unplug the camera from the power/PoE
2) Press & hold the hard reset button
3) Plug the camera back in while still holding the button
4) Continue to hold the reset button for a further 30 seconds

Once 30 seconds have passed you can release the reset button and the camera should reboot and be factory reset.
I have a new IP, I activated the cam by SADP
I can't find the default connection
login ?
password ?
Can you please share a screenshot of SADP showing all 3 cameras?
Okay, is the default IP address that most cameras start out using and this IP address can quite often clash with addresses being used by other devices, which might explain why you can't access the device.

We would recommend changing the camera's IP address in SADP to an address that probably isn't being used by another device (e.g. / /
name no conflict I checked on the Asus router
the interface still does not connecton sadp I see that port 8000 instead of 8080 or 80alone

Yes, I didn't spot those port numbers, 8000 is usually the default but clearly you changed it to 8080 on the other cameras.

Try changing the reset camera to the 8080 port and see if that works.
You don't need to access the interface to change the port number it can be changed in SADP, see the below guide on how to use SADP to change network details: