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Unplanned Downtime - Forum outage yesterday and overnight!


Staff member
Well that was VERY stressful! :mad:

I can only apologise for the loss of the forum for the last 24hrs.
I am sorry if you were inconvenienced in any way.

Nothing has changed at the forum - you/we just could not get to it for almost 24hrs! :oops:

Yesterday, we switched our webshop to a new faster platform.
The shop moved to a new server.
The shop is the root domain of use-ip.co.uk.
The new server had to 'point' to the forum sub-domain, just where it had always been on the same server it has always been on.
Somehow, we got caught in a redirect loop that nobody could fix!!!! :eek:

It's sorted now, just after 9am on the 4th.

Unfortunately, myself and the team have loads of other issues arising that we must deal with now; so much for the many months of testing!! :confused:

Please talk amongst yourselves ;)
We'll be back with you just as soon as we can.

Apologies again for the loss of service.
Breaking things is my job

And I'm very good at it even when I'm not meant to he breaking them LOL