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Upgraded to 1.3.0 build 250.210 -> DEAD AX PRO panel, Desperately need help please!


New Member
Could someone please help me! I upgraded to 1.3.0 build 250.210 and now my control panel is completed busted. The upgrade was successful but I immediately knew something was off, because it would no longer connect to wifi. Then a day later it lost Ethernet as well. So cannot connect to this POS anymore. What can I do please? Many thanks in advance.
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Hi @andro - are you able to see the panel in SADP if you connect it to your router via ethernet cable?
(Make sure that you're powering it obviously, either via 12V or PoE.)
Hi @andro - are you able to see the panel in SADP if you connect it to your router via ethernet cable?
(Make sure that you're powering it obviously, either via 12V or PoE.)
Thanks for getting back, I managed to restore it. I did a reset via physical button....The panel came back w/o any devices and different IP because of DHCP. I had to re-enroll all sensors/relays back. And some of them like the door contact are not straight forward, as after the erase, you need to take the battery out for a bit and only then power it back. One sensor created big issues, because the QR code was different on one part of the device, vs label attached. SADP only shows IP based devices (no panel!), cams, door stations etc (BTW I can't never get the cameras working in hik-connect, they all go from 0% to 98% or something and then times out, this is a separate issues)....I was not able to see a backup cfg option anywhere, although I doubt it'd work across major releases.
Very disappointed with this company, subpar fw, and no comments about hik-connect...It took them years to release a widget, and lasted one release, everytime they add something they break 10 more things. I don't have an issues buying products made in china by foreign companies (US or EU), but in the future I would think twice about buying something ""designed"" in china. Their GUI via browser is still broken, works now and then after clicking ssomewhere, it's dead.

PS: What made this issue really bad, is that the IP of the panel was pingable, but the web server dead....So no access to it.
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