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Want to Display multiple NVRS live streaming on Single screen simultaneously don't want to switch the screen


New Member
hey, I have 10 cameras connected on two different NVRS. currently, I am able to see both nvr stream on two monitors. I want to do streaming of both the NVR on a single screen. I want to divide the screen into two parts for example N1 and N2 . both N1 and N2 will further divide the screen based on the number of cameras connected to each NVR.

Please help me out .
Hikvision PTZ cameras
Hi @anihuny

The only way of doing this that we are aware of is to use a PC with either iVMS-4200 or a 3rd-party VMS installed, add both NVRs to that software, and then display all the cameras from both NVR in the VMS live view on a single monitor.
@Dan Thanks for your prompt response and helping me. will keep in touch if I need any help.
hey, I have 10 cameras connected on two different NVRS. currently, I am able to see both nvr stream on two monitors. I want to do streaming of both the NVR on a single screen. I want to divide the screen into two parts for example N1 and N2 . both N1 and N2 will further divide the screen based on the number of cameras connected to each NVR.

Please help me out .
Is there a conflict as to which NVR controls the cameras? I tried this and it created problems with respect to the camera’s settings. I can set my cameras setting from the NVR.