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What could be causing this?


I think the best way to ask this question is to show it with the actual video:

What do you think is causing these distortions?

PS. It's an analog camera.
Looks like something to do with the camera hardware or its connections/cabling. Have you checked all the connections from cable to camera/DVR are secure or tried another cable? Analogue cables are prone to deterioration with time, are you using an indoor cable for this outdoor setup perhaps?

How old is the camera and what's the model?

I've got limited experience with analogue systems so might be missing something obvious!
It's a fairly old setup. The camera itself is about 100 yards or so away from the DVR. It's connected via a coax cable that goes into a conduit but I have no idea how they routed it from there on. I also don't have any specks for the camera without opening it. All I can tell is that it's a dome camera. About 5-8 years old.

Let me ask, does it look to you like it's a power supply (transformer) issue?
I don't think it'll be to do with the power supply, if the camera was losing power then it would be cutting out entirely and rebooting, whereas you're still getting a picture, it's just flickering.

How long have you noticed this occurring for? Do you think this might have appeared during the recent storms here in the UK? Bad weather can mess with the reception of analogue cameras too which might be causing it. Are you able to check recordings to see if this has been happening recently during nicer weather? (If that exists here.)

If not its more than likely a cabling problem. Try disconnecting and reconnecting the coax cables at the camera output, as well as the video input to the monitor and see if this changes anything. Try connecting a different camera to the end of the 100m coax cable, and connecting the existing camera to a shorter cable near the DVR and see if the problem remains.

The age of the setup does suggest it might be a case of the coax cable deteriorating so, as inconvenient as it sounds, you may well need to consider replacing this!
Yeah, thanks. I'm actually in US by Seattle, WA. And the weather was kinda normal, actually.

I did notice that this flickering seems to happen at some random times. Not too often though.