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What is the best type of camera for this?


New Member

I am looking for a camera that I can place inside my window, to view the road outside my house to catch a neighbour that is putting nails into my tyres.

ideally I would like something that is high resolution with night vision as that is when the culprit puts the nails in.

what is the best type of camera for this?

Thanks for your help
Ideally something that is easily att hable to the inside of a window, so the culprit can’t see it, but is good enough resolution to view outside and potentially has something that I can use to attach it to the window... any ideas?
You may face an issue at night with the Infra red LED's causing glare as bouncing off the window.
Someone might know a camera that minimises this issue.
You may face an issue at night with the Infra red LED's causing glare as bouncing off the window.

@sonic is right, especially if the windows are double glazed and not completely spotless. You'll need to make sure the camera lens/infrared LED emitter is as close to the window as possible to minimise this.

My best suggestion would be a cube camera like the Hikvision 2455 - also one the smallest and most discrete cameras we sell.