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Can't find audio features anymore.... Siren, Bark, etc...


Hi all,

Some time ago, I was able to let my Hikvision IP camera make some additional sounds to remote location like siren, dog barking etc. from internet explorer, there was a special button dedicated to this feature. Now I can't find it in any other browser or application.

Can anyone tell me how to get back this feature? This was so cool.

Hi @Lev

Which exact camera model do you have?
What firmware version is the camera currently using?
Hi @Lev

I'm not aware of Hikivison Cube cameras ever supporting this feature, but possibly it was available on a very early firmware version.

That firmware version you are running is very old (dates to 2018) and so it is probably the case that the browsers/plug-ins have updated beyond your camera's firmware and so certain features are no longer supported.

We would recommend updating the firmware and seeing if the above feature you describe is still available on a more recent firmware.

As you are so far behind on the firmware, we would recommend upgrading through the below firmware versions one at a time to make sure no glitches occur (which can happen if you skip over too many versions in one upgrade):

V5.6.1 190604
V5.6.4 191224
V5.6.6 210625
V5.6.820 220519

Looking at the age of your firmware I would assume you've never updated it, if that is the case you can find the instructions on updating firmware HERE
Look like that's not the case, unfortunately. Do you know, at least how to trigger alarm manually? Maybe then I will be able to just change the sound?
Hi @Lev

I'm not sure if even on the latest firmware you can manually trigger an audible alarm, but below are instructions to configure event-triggered audible alarm output (which should be supported):

Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 16.41.30.png
thanks, looks like I really need to update the firmware to all of my cameras. Can you tell if this model is also belongs to G1 category?


This is relatively old model
Hi @Lev

That's a very old model, the last firmware update for that model is probably V5.4.5 170123 (after updating to that version you can also try updating to V5.4.800 210813 but I'm not sure if your model actually supports this firmware, if it doesn't the update will fail)