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CCTV problem - my cameras stop working in sunny weather?


hi, just wondered if anyone has come across this issue before.I have two wired cameras on the front of my house covering the drive etc., .now most of the time these work fine but in sunny weather like we have had the last few days,as the sun moves from the back of the house towards the front the first camera starts to black out for about 2-3 seconds then come back on for about the same time.later in the afternoon as the front of the house gets more sunlight the other camera starts to do the same.
this issue shows up on playback as well,in the early evening both cameras return to normal and are ok right through the night till the following day.
Is this just matter of the cameras getting to hot if so what can I do.also my car is in view of both cameras and there is a lot of reflections from the paintwork(car is silver) and glass could this be a problem.
thanks in advance for any suggestions
p.s probaly won,t help but I don,t know the make of the cameras
I wouldn't expect sunlight to cause any problems other than perhaps poor images e.g. the cameras get dazzled / blinded.
Does this only happen on warm/sunny days.
Did you see the same through the Winter?
If it is warmth related then my gut feeling would be cabling / connections.
only noticed it recently seems to be the sunnier the worse the problem.this youtube video shows the issue
just tried unplugging power connections to both cameras for a few second when i plugged them back in they stayed on for about 1 minute then reverted to on/off
It's a weird one.
You'd have to try a process of elimination e.g. fetch one of the cameras back to a position adjacent to the DVR and test it with a short cable(s).
it,s now 8.20pm just switched on my monitor to check the cameras again and guess what , there fine no problem suns gone behind the houses opposite
so, today is almost as sunny as yesterday and definatly as hot.
Yesterday evening I wrapped the first camera in some blanket insulation about 20 mm thick and covered it with aluminium tape to see if i could keep it cooler.
just gone through the hottest part of the day and not a flicker working great.
a auto-electrician I know suggested it could a similar problem he see,s at work quite frequently ,modern pcb,s are made with lead free solder so when they get warm connections on the board can break down.