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DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3(C0)(S6) PTZ Auto Day/Night problem


I have a problem with the day/night auto switch in the software on my new DS-2DE2A404IW-DE3(C0)(S6) PTZ. It came with and I have reinstalled the firmware V5.7.11_230612. Still got the same problem.

After a reboot for the first couple of tries with the auto on and covering and uncovering the sensor from light it will auto switch between day and night no problem then it stays in night mode until I reboot the camera again. Setting the start and Finnish times works for a temp fix but I think maybe this only works because it is bypasses the light sensor.

I really want the auto to work. Put it in place and forget it.

I was looking for an older firmware version to try to rule out the firmware but the new one is the only one I can find on the portal.

Is this a software the problem or could it be a faulty sensor?

Hi @Andy.A

As as far as we are aware there aren't older firmware versions for this specific model, the V5.7.11 firmware was released in June 2023 so I would think it is highly unlikely that this is a firmware glitch that hasn't been fixed in 18 months.

It sounds more like it could be a hardware fault, we would recommend speaking to whoever you bought the camera from so they can discuss the issue with Hikvision support and potentially arrange a return/warranty replacement.
Thank you for your reply. I have spoken to the supplier and I am returning it for a replacement.
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