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DS-7608NI-K1(B) group disk / NET HDD?


does it even support it the manual implies that it does yet i can not get any such settings any wheres im running 3.4.112
almost about to try to upgrade back to 4.30.85 just to see if i can make it work

also does this work over nethdd
seems i also can not change there group level as well theres is just no such settings
even i the nethdd settings page i have 8 slots for NFS you would think that one would goto each camera nope thats now how it works seems it fills up nethdd1 then nethdd2 nethdd3 and on to 8 no drive 4 to camera 4 or 5 to 5 its just one large pool

im almost hoping if i take the hard drive out i can maybe find this group drive settings
theres videos for version 3.4 too
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It’s on the K series but possibly only on the K2 models with two disks installed internally. In storage settings you switch it from Quota to Group then specify which cameras will record to each group.
must be even with the upgrade to version 4.30.85 still there is no option at all i turned off overwrite and it started asking to set quotas
and i still dont think that im going to get any wheres with the NFS it works but as i said it seems as though its just a pool and i cant even change the settings on the NFS shares

pretty much i have the system full but there one cam i would like to have much longer record times on and would like to send it just one drive or a volume of drives on NFS

im going to remove the internal drive latter today and see if the freaking thing will let me change there group level then

i added 6 separate NFS frives they are there own full 3.6 gig drives

would it be better to have the 3.6 gig drives slotted to nethdd 1 - 6 or one whole volume in raid 0
i have finally managed how to figure out how to do the ip san server and connection
and i am still unable to change groups these iscsi drivers are suppost to apair as real drives in the system
i am still unable to find group although when i turn off the overwrite settings it talks about setting quota or change to group but i just cant

i think i have just about tried every thing to even fool it in to think its got more drives drives per cam mass pool of storage

what i want is to be able to group record and send one cam to the external and record all the others on the main system

so i would have 3tb for 7 cams and what ever iSCSI NFS drive pool say 8tb for the 1 cam

and yes i know that i can use the cam and send to the same shares but i want it from the nvr as i look files and want to be able to seach back and not export although i did downgrade again to 3.4.112 there was no such settings in 4.30 and the cloud storage cant even do to like google drive or any its like hikvision cloud2.0
and only sends a small stream and and snapshots i think