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Door Entry DS-KD8003 displaying OFFLINE?


New Member
Hi, I have a couple of apartment buildings that are experiencing the same issue.
I have one entry panel DS-KD8003 -IME1(B) with display and keypad module connected to 50 - 60 monitors DS_KH6320-LE1(B) with a lift controller DS-K2210.
The entry panel will randomly come up with an orange circle with an exclamation mark in it and Offline written under the circle.
The entry panel cannot dial any apartments.

All that needs to be done is to power cycle (unplug and plug back in from PoE switch) the entry panel and it will work fine.
It may last two days or two months until it happens again.

I have upgraded the KD8003 firmware, but this has not fixed the problem.

When I arrive onsite, and it is displaying Offline it still appears as online in the IVMS software and I can ping it.

However, I cannot access the configuration page via IVMS or web browser until i reset the power.

I have had a good look online and can't really find anything similar posted.
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Bumping on behalf of the OP - does anybody have ANY suggestions please?
If the cable is OK then it could be an IP conflict, a malfunction or power issue of the specific port connected with DS-KD8003. You need an expert to check that cable from door entry to POE switch.
By the way, what is the display that shows the orange circle?