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Hik-Connect Hik connect down?


Is hik connect down for anyone else?

When I try and load the app on any android or apple device it doesn't open at all

I am getting a message saying the app has a bug. Before I delete it and re install just wondered if anyone else is seeing the same issue

Is hik connect down for anyone else?

When I try and load the app on any android or apple device it doesn't open at all

I am getting a message saying the app has a bug. Before I delete it and re install just wondered if anyone else is seeing the same issue

Hi I am having this problem. I am so relieved to see that this is not just me. I thought it was my phone and was about to go and buy a new one. I have recently lost my dad and its important to me to be able to view the product on his house.
I have the exact same issues as yourself

From what I have read there seems to be an issue which HIK are trying to rectify.
Hopefully it will be rectified soon.
Thank you.
Is hik connect down for anyone else?

When I try and load the app on any android or apple device it doesn't open at all

I am getting a message saying the app has a bug. Before I delete it and re install just wondered if anyone else is seeing the same issue

Yes having mega problems with it nothing wants to operate properly on all the apps I have found ou he hard way and awaiting their input to say its fixed
I had an issue with HIK and it would not load on my Samsung phone irrespective of how many times I deleted and reinstalled it.
I was recommended that I re install it via the Samsung app not the play store if that makes sense. It worked for me.
I had an issue with HIK and it would not load on my Samsung phone irrespective of how many times I deleted and reinstalled it.
I was recommended that I re install it via the Samsung app not the play store if that makes sense. It worked for me.
Thank you very much I will try this later today
Thank you for your adviceI am waiting for an it engineer to call at our house I beleive or wifi has been compromised locally if so I'm told it can be traced and if so I will call Police I've never had a moments trouble over 7 years but somehow its all come at once.