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Hikconnect "Number of streaming channels exceeded limit. Please stop playing other channels........"

I'm glad it happened to someone else. I thought it was just me.
I have opened many support cases with no solution.
I changed parameters of all kinds, all without success. (Main stream, Sub-Stream, Fixed IP, DHCP IP, etc.)
Symmetrical high-speed Internet in the 3 DVRs.
In my opinion, it all started from the FW update of my 3 x DVR DS-7208HGHI-F1/N.
Go to Firmware_V4.30.122_201107
This update radically changed the interface. More modern.
App: Hikviion V6.3.250.0516 to date.
I made the update on 12/13/2023.
At that moment the problem with this thread began.
The truth is that I had to buy another brand of DVR because this problem complicated my work.
I added that, in addition to showing the number of connections message, after several attempts the DVR restarts. Incredible.
Reading them, now I'm trying Hilook to see what happens.
I follow them to see if they find the solution.
Thank you all.
Hik-Connect V6.4.200 has just been released for iOS and Android...

You can update it for iOS devices via the Apple App Store:

It looks like it hasn't yet been released on the Google Play Store, but it can be downloaded from Hikvision's App Store.

Could everyone seeing the "Number of streaming channels exceeded limit" error test this new version (with the latest firmware for your NVR or camera) and let me know if this update fixes it, please?
Hi @Kyle

Seems Ok on a spare old Honor Play Android 9.0, but only for a twelve hours recording because of NVR disks format.
No "Number of streaming channels exceeded limit". I 'll check for a few days and inform again
Hi @Kyle

An update to new version.
Version now is v6.4.200.0709 for Android devices
Installed on Samsung S21 and there is no "Number of streaming channels exceeded limit" during Playback.
The only issue that remains in continuous recording playback, is that when selecting Event or Person, the event starts exactly on event start or has a 2-3 seconds delay. No pre-record. Same issue with NXI-K NVR GUI Playback-Event "pre-record" or event start issue. This seems that will never be fixed.

Thanks for your support
The only issue that remains in continuous recording playback, is that when selecting Event or Person, the event starts exactly on event start or has a 2-3 seconds delay. No pre-record. Same issue with NXI-K NVR GUI Playback-Event "pre-record" or event start issue. This seems that will never be fixed.
Off topic but this is a total pain. Over the last few years this has cropped up repeatedly. It works, then a firmware update breaks it again. It does seem that it will never be resolved. There's similar behaviour when viewing events directly on the NVR Normal Playback and using the 'skip unrelated' option. If you find a specific trigger of interest, to see the few seconds leading up to the trigger you need to switch back to unfiltered playback and click the skip back 30 seconds button. The issue with that, is that when you return to filtered human playback, the playback starts at the first event that day and not where you left off (I've been whining about this since it was broken on the I series post version 4.50)
I am sorry for the "off topic" but this was something I noticed again checking long time the new version of HikConnect and reminded to me the ongoing issue with the NXI-K. So this seems to be a general NVR issue and not just the NXI-K. The very strange thing, is that this issue does not exist on any kind of "By Rules"search, option of course that does not exist on HikConnect app. On the other hand Event messages clips, both ways, by camera selection and by Notification selection, are perfect on timings. This is possibly because the last are clips that are recorded when Notify Surveillance center is enabled while the other(Playback events) are all the VCA events uploaded to NVR including the "Notify Survillance".
hello, i followed this post since may, when i first received the error "Number of streaming channels exceeded limit. Please stop playing other channels of the device and try again" with my ColorVU DS-2DE2C400SCG-EF1, with a SD card (128Gb) inserted, connected via POE to the router directly.
i only use IOS device, 2 iphones, one 13pro and the other 15pro, both of them have the same issue.
I receive this error only on playback, if i want to see the motion detections, or the playback recording.
the first ~10 recordings viewed after a reboot of the camera, work properly, but after that everytime i want to view a playback i receive the error, only after another restart i am able to see around 10 recordings until i receive the same error (the recordings are safe, even if there are new recordings on the camera while the playback does not work, after a restart i am able to view them (limited to ~10 recordings)).
the version i have on both iphones is
ColorVU DS-2DE2C400SCG-EF1 - device version v5.7.20 buid 230630

i did tried right now the Hilook app with version, same issue.

does anyone now how can i fix this?
i receive this error only on this camera, the NVR where are 4 cameras connected, the playback works properly.
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Estimados, esta fue la respuesta de parte del soporte de Hikvision por la consulta al error de "El Numero de Canales ha excedido el maximo", cabe indicar que yo solo tengo una camara poe sin Dvr, directo a mi celular, la cual es visualizada por Hikconnect, tengo 2 camaras mas en mi casa, hace ya varios años y no tengo ese problema... la camara que presenta el problema tiene el ultimo firmware,
error el numero de canales ha alcanzado el maximo.png


  • error el numero de canales ha alcanzado el maximo.png
    error el numero de canales ha alcanzado el maximo.png
    56.4 KB · Views: 14
They are wrong....

This is a Hik-Connect version problem and/or firmware installed.

That's what the do all the time. They solve and they reproduce errors, they solve and they reproduce errors. Thats what they do with everything they "Update"

You must find a version of Hik-Connect that works or a firmware that works
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Estimados, esta fue la respuesta de parte del soporte de Hikvision por la consulta al error de "El Numero de Canales ha excedido el maximo", cabe indicar que yo solo tengo una camara poe sin Dvr, directo a mi celular, la cual es visualizada por Hikconnect, tengo 2 camaras mas en mi casa, hace ya varios años y no tengo ese problema... la camara que presenta el problema tiene el ultimo firmware,
View attachment 12535
Hola Jhon.
Hace meses que vengo con este problema, y tambien he recurrido al soporte sin solución alguna.
En algún momento me propusieron hacer un defalut factory, el cual hice. Tuve que reiniciar todo obviamente, pero el problema persiste.
Ellos insisten en actualizar al ultimo FW. Justamente ahí es donde empezaron los problemas.
Este FW me cambió la interfaz. Es más moderna a la que tenía. Además este último FW me permite hacer reproducciones en 2X y mas, cosa que el anterior no me dejaba hacer.
Pero, insisto, ahí empezaron los problemas con este error. No quiero volver al anterior por el tema de reproducciones.
He muchos intentos por resolver el tema. Sin éxito.
Mi equipo ya esta en EOL, y ya no les preocupa.
yo actualice hasta el ultimo firmware pero me sigue ocurriendo, que es lo que hago, formatear la tarjeta de memoria, y se resuelve por al menos un tiempo... el problema es que para mi camara ya no hay mas actualizaciones... lo extraño es que tengo 2 camaras más antiguas que la que he reportado, y no tengo ese problema, las tengo hace 6 años funcionando e instaladas y nada... la que reporte la tengo hace 1 año, y hace 6 meses comenzo a darme ese error... sin solucion definitiva aún.
oajala alguien encuentre una solucion definitiva...