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Hikvision ds-2cd5a85g1-izs camera resets over and over again?


hey, I have a problem with the ds-2cd5a85g1-izs camera, after adding the camera to ds7732ni-k4 with the hikvision protocol, the camera resets over and over again and restarts all the time, if I add the camera with the ONVIF protocol, the camera works correctly, where to look for the reason?
Hi @jacaxx1

Are you able to connect the camera to a separate PoE Injector/Switch and log in directly to the camera?

If you can log in, can you please confirm the current firmware version that the camera is using?
kamera działa poprawnie, jednak po dodaniu do NVR z protokołem Hikvision ciągle się resetuje, natomiast z protokołem ONVIF działa poprawnie. kiedy usunę go z nvr, działa dobrze
DS-2CD5A85G1- IZS20211102AAWRJ00224655
Wersja 5.6.101, kompilacja 211020
DS-2CD5A85G1- IZS20211102AAWRJ00224520
Wersja 5.6.12, wersja 201215
DS-7732NI- K41620191212CCRRD99718702WCVU
Wersja 4.74.210, kompilacja 240108

"the camera works properly, but after adding it to the NVR with the Hikvision protocol, it keeps resetting, but with the ONVIF protocol it works correctly. when i remove it from NVR it works fine
Thanks @jacaxx1

Which of the 5A85G1-IZS cameras is the one that is rebooting/resetting? Is it the one running firmware v5.6.101?

If it is that one, can you confirm if you have updated to that firmware recently? Do you have a link to where you downloaded that firmware from?
w obu aparatach ten sam objaw. jeden na fabrycznym oprogramowaniu, drugi po aktualizacji. Ten sam problem występuje w 6 nowych, fabrycznie zapakowanych aparatach. oprogramowanie pobrane ze strony https://www.hikvisioneurope.com/eu/portal/?dir=portal/Technical Materials/00 Network Camera/00 Product Firmware/H3 platform(5xxx% 2C7xxx%2C6924%2C6DX4%2C8426%29/DS-2CD5XXX

"the same symptom in both devices. one on the factory firmware, the other after the update. The same problem occurs in 6 new, factory-packaged cameras. software downloaded from the website"
Thanks @jacaxx1

That firmware does appear to be correct, although I'm not sure where you've found the V5.6.101 firmware because in all the H3 Platform folders we can find we can only see the V5.6.12 firmware as the latest firmware.

If this is impacting all 6 cameras then I think that would suggest this is a larger fault with the cameras, we would recommend speaking to your original seller to organise returning these faulty cameras to Hikvision for repair/replacement.

I'd be amazed if these cameras were new, factory-sealed stock if you bought them recently because the documents we have from Hikvision state that these models went End of Life in 2017.
kamery miały fabryczne oprogramowanie V5.6.101, druga wersja jest po aktualizacji pobranej ze strony. kamery zostały zakupione na portalu aukcyjnym, fabrycznie nowe, zafoliowane, nieotwierane, nieużywane, dopiero co je otworzyłem. kamery pokazują m.in. datę 11.2021

"the cameras had factory software V5.6.101, the second version is after the update downloaded from the website. the cameras were purchased on an auction website, brand new, wrapped in foil, unopened, unused, I just opened them. cameras show, among others, date 11/2021"

That is very strange because the V5.6.12_201215 has an older build date (15/12/20) than the V5.6.101_211020 (build date: 20/10/21) so you have technically downgraded the camera by moving it from V5.6.101 to V5.6.12

As I said previously, we can't locate this V5.6.101 firmware anywhere we usually look for UK/EU firmware. This combined with the fact you bought them on an auction site would suggest that these models are actually from a completely different global region and use their own region-specific firmware.

Unfortunately, the glitch you are describing is the kind of fault that would usually require the cameras to be returned to Hikvision for repair/replacement, but as you ordered from an auction site you won't be able to do this and there isn't much else we can recommend.

Probably the only option you have is to run the cameras as ONVIF cameras if that is the only way they will stay stable on the NVR.
Firma Hikvision sugeruje podłączenie innego fo nvr do testu. Kamery pochodzą z Polski

"Hikvision suggests connecting to another nvr for testing. The cameras come from Poland"
If that is what Hikvision support has recommended then that might be worth a try.
Also, make sure that you are providing sufficient power for these cameras:
(if your NVR is powering many cameras, it may struggle)
DS-2CD5A85G1-IZS power requirements 21-5-24.png