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Hikvision DS-2TD4228-10/W thermal camera cannot detect heat whilst panning?


New Member
Hi there!

Hikvision DS-2TD4228-10/W​

I have a very particular issue which may not be possible to fix but its worth a try.

A customer I am doing work for wanted a thermal camera set up to detect if something catches fire in a warehouse.

The camera has been setup and is using an alarm output to send an SMS via a separate device when the thermal camera sees 220+ Degrees C.
This worked flawlessly... But the issue we encounter was that the thermal part of the camera is far too zoomed in so it doesn't see the whole area.
Instantly as a work around I set the camera to scan the area (it's a PTZ) which seemed like it would solve the issue. Wrong.

When the camera is moving its heat detection functions no longer work. No heat is recorded until it stops for 5 seconds.

Has anyone else had an experience in this situation?

Any help is appreciated.

Hi @BoostedT

We don't have much experience with thermal cameras, but we have seen several cases of PTZ cameras where the smart functions do not work while the camera is moving.

I think this is just a core issue for all Hikvision PTZ cameras and I don't think there will be any way to get fire detection to work while the camera is moving.
Thankyou for sharing your knowledge and experience with this issue. I was starting to feel like there was something I had missed.

Is there any known work around to get smart functions to work with PTZ?
Will this PTZ allow you to configure a patrol of a series of preset positions and check the temperature at each preset position?
I don't know if that is possible / will work - it's just a thought.

Also, the total time to complete the patrol, allowing enough dwell time at each preset, may exceed what you'd hoped to achieve.