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How do I update and set up newly installed Hikvision AcuSense NVR + cameras?


Have you tried installing the plug-in by clicking "Download Plug-In" at the top of the live view page?

When you click this it will download the install file that you will need to run to install the plug-in, this might resolve the live view issue.
Thanks Dan! The "Plug-In" resolves the live view issue. The cameras firmware are updated. You must be a Hikvision guru...
With my NVR and cameras, will the Hikvision mega thread help me to configure everything? Should I follow step by step but the mega thread doesn't have the strobe light or siren alarme option configuration?
Is it easier to configure with the NVR browser or SADP or IVMS?
The PTZ function is to control the camera lens in live view right? How come it gives me the message "does not support the function" when I click on the PTZ control in the live view?
I have the 2-way audio option but how come I don't hear anything in live view?
Hi @ian1975

Good to hear the live view is working.

The Megathread will take you through all the basic initial setup, instructions for configuring some of the more specific features can be found in the How To... tutorials.

Some features like the light & siren are very new and we haven't put together our own instructions on these yet, but if you have a search around the forum and/or look at some YouTube guides like this one you should be able to find help with most settings.

Most settings should be configurable from the NVR browser access, but there might be some specific settings that can only be accessed via iVMS-4200 or the direct monitor (e.g. the monitor output and live view display settings for the direct monitor can only be accessed when using the direct monitor & a USB mouse).

You are correct about the PTZ function, but all the cameras you have are fixed focal length cameras which means you can't adjust the optical focal length/zoom of the cameras.

In regards to audio, we would recommend checking the 4 steps shown in this forum guide as they are the most common settings that cause audio issues. The most likely one is changing your Video Type from just "Video Stream" to "Video & Audio".
Hi Dan,
I will follow your guide to the Megathread, How To Tutorials and Youtube link...
I understand now that my cameras have fixed lens and not PTZ lens...
I follow the 4 steps regarding the audio but it doesn't work very well. I changed the video stream to "Video & Audio" for both streams (main & sub) for 8 cameras + NVR and the results are:
-With HikConnect, 1 or 2 cameras have audio.
-With SADP Live View, the volume are always "OFF" for each camera for the two streams, I have to increase the volume on the right side of the screen to receive the sound.
What should I do to have audio volume in HikConnect?
Hi @ian1975

When you say that you only get audio on 1 or 2 cameras in Hik-Connect, do you mean when you are split-screening all 8 cameras or are you live viewing each camera individually and only 2 cameras will give you audio?

In regards to browser live view audio, I don't believe there is any way to have the audio on all the time so you will have to keep turning it on when you want to hear it (the reality is with all the background noise out there you won't want the audio on all the time as it will just start to sound like white noise).

Also, as far as I am aware there is no volume control in the Hik-Connect app. The audio is either on or off.
Hi @ian1975

When you say that you only get audio on 1 or 2 cameras in Hik-Connect, do you mean when you are split-screening all 8 cameras or are you live viewing each camera individually and only 2 cameras will give you audio?

In regards to browser live view audio, I don't believe there is any way to have the audio on all the time so you will have to keep turning it on when you want to hear it (the reality is with all the background noise out there you won't want the audio on all the time as it will just start to sound like white noise).

Also, as far as I am aware there is no volume control in the Hik-Connect app. The audio is either on or off.
-It's when I live viewing each camera individually in Hik-Connect that I get audio only in 1 or 2 cameras. The rest don't have audio even if I put the audio ON. You are right there's no volume control in the Hik-Connect app.
-Understood for the browser live view audio.

Have you definitely set the stream to "Video & Audio" on EACH camera? When adjusting the stream settings in the NVR there is a dropdown to select each camera/channel and you will need to change the stream settings for each camera.
OK it's all done for the streams in the NVR and also directly in each camera by login into each camera...
Result: 6/8 cameras have audio in Hik-Connect, 1 have audio in the 9 cameras screen but not individually and 1 doesn't have any audio individually & collectively view...
Result changed in Hik-Connect:
2/8 cameras have audio individually & collectively view
1/8 camera doesn't have audio individually & collectively view
5/8 have audio only in group view