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Jammer prevention - please help!


New Member
I believe someone may be using a jamming device that temporarily stops my POE IP cameras recording. The time shown on the recording continues but I think the image temporarily pauses, this allows them to vandalise my property. The cameras are connected to the NVR using the supplied ethernet cables that have the following description:

“26 AWG network cable, packed with 0.5 CCA wire core, 4 pairs of high-density twisted cables eliminate interference and enable stable data transmission.”

I have also seen flashes of light possibly from a torch, when this happens the recording goes dark for a fraction of a second, but would this only affect recording for a second or two?

I have multiple cameras, if a jamming device is being used how can I prevent the interference, as more and more damage is being done to my property?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
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Jamming is related to wireless, don't believe jammers work on wired counterparts which you currently use.
Only "jamming" that could happen in wired counterparts is that someone already have access to your local network and DDOS the CCTV. Still you wouldn't have problem with your video recording as you use POE NVR which have closed NIC for cameras which isn't accessable from main NIC for internet(by default).

The flashes can be a change between day and night mode when IR lights up. And also perfectly describe the problem going dark for 100 to 300ms as sensor is adjusting for night mode. This can happen when you turn lights on and off as well if the light is strong enough so camera believe its day time.

Set up the Video loss/SceneChange event to notify you. If any tampering will happen with cameras you will be notified.
After further thought I think the person is either using a LED or laser light source that temporarily disables recording for a few seconds. There is a flash of light across the view for a fraction of a second, the recording appears to stop being live for a few seconds even though the clock continues. All cameras are connected using cables, no wireless is used in the camera system.