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Motion and noise - how to remediate?



i record video's with my DS-2CD2186G2-ISU and i have noticed some noise inside the pictures.


This happens once fast movement is inside the video. I'm wondering how to remediate such noise. Is "smoothing" the root cause here, should i increase the average bitrate as the device is connected via LAN? Picture settings like e.g. "Exposure Time" are default


Thank you!
Hi @h0nIg

I don't really think any of those video/stream settings will improve the noise your seeing, the Image settings will likely have more impact.

What is the Exposure Time set to?
Is the Digital Noise Reduction turned off? If it is, can you try setting it to Normal?
If DNR was already on can you confirm what level it was set at? (probably 50 if using default settings)
Under the backlight settings, are any of them (BLC/WDR/HLC) turned on?
Hi @Dan

Exposure Time is 1/25
Digital Noise Reduction is Normal
Noise Reduction Level is 50

WDR is auto
Wide Dynamic Level 50
HLC is off

Can this happen once the other parts of the image will have a high rate of light and this extract image is capturing the shadow parts of the image? This image was captured during the day.
Hi @h0nlg

noise & motion blur is most commonly related to exposure time. When the exposure time is very slow (e.g. 1/12, 1/6, 1/3) the darkest parts of the image will appear brighter but to achieve this the sensor stays open (exposed to the light) for longer and if fast motion passes through during this long exposure the whole motion will be captured which is why you get a blurred/smeared image.

You do have the exposure time set to 1/25 which should be fine, you can try changing it to 1/50 but this will probably make the area in your scene shown in the above screenshot much darker.

It might also be worth trying disabling the DNR and WDR (maybe one at a time) as these can both also increase motion blur/image distortion.